All articles submitted to the journal are subject to blind peer-review. Article published in NAPReJ must be relevant to practice. Articles should be type –written in English, double spaced only one side of A4 (210 by 297mm) paper and not more than 15 double spaced pages (Using one – inch margins and Times New Roman, 12 – point font), inclusive of references tables, figures and appendixes. The total word count of each paper should be about 7000 words.
- Indicate on the cover page the title of manuscript and name (initials followed by surname and address)
- Capitalize first letter of each word of the title
- Type initials and surname of authors below the title.
- Capitalize only the first letter of the surname
- Include the email address of the corresponding author.
Each manuscript must be accompanied by a statement that it has not been published elsewhere and that it has not been submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyrighted material from other sources and are required to sign an agreement for the transfers of copyright to the publisher. All accepted manuscript, artwork and photographs become the property of the publisher.
The body of submitted research papers should be divided into the following major sections:
(I) Introduction
(II) Research Methods
(III) Results and Discussion
(IV) Conclusion
(V) References
(VI) Acknowledgment (Optional)
References, citations and general style of manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the APA publication Manual 6th ed. Cite in the text by author and date (Onoja, 2010) and include an alphabetical list at the end of the article example,
Seyoum, E.T., Battese, G.E., & Flemming, E.M.(1998) Technical efficiency and productivity of maize
producers in Eastern Ethiopia: A study of farmers within and outside the Sasakawa-Global
2000 project. Agricultural Economics. 19; 341-348. -
Pallant J. (2010) SPSS Survival Manual. A step by step guide to data analysis using SPSS.
England. The Mc Graw Hill Company -
Author, A. (date). Title of book. Retrieved from http://xxxxxxxxx
Author, A. (date). Title of book. doi:xxxxxxxxxxxx
Author, A. (date). Title of chapter. In E. Editor (Ed.), Title of book (pp. xx–xx). Retrieved from http://xxxxxxxxx
Author, A. (date). Title of chapter. In E. Editor (Ed.), Title of book (pp. xx–xx). doi:xxxxxxxxxx
The in-text citation includes the author and date, as with any other APA Style citation. In-text citations consist of the surname(s) of the author(s) and the year of publication.
If there is no author, use the title (or a short form of the title, if it is lengthy) and the year. Titles that are italicized in the reference list are italicized in text; titles that are not italicized in the reference list appear in quotation marks. If there is no date, use “n.d.” (without quotation marks) instead.
Etuk, U. R. & Adetoro, A. O. (2010) Indigenous Extension practices and forest establishment in Nigeria. In H. M. Ijeomah & A. A. Aiyeloja (Eds), Practical Issues in forestry and wildlife resources
management. Port Harcourt: 352 – 361.