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NAPReJ Vol. 10

Author(s) Topic
Aberji et al

Co-integration Analysis of Market Prices of Edible Oil in Rural and Urban Markets

Agada et al Analysis of Impact of Financial Inclusion on Rural Farming Households in Nigeria
 Agoda et al Indigenous and Improved Yam Storage Technologies in Delta and Edo States, Nigeria
Amuwah et al Profitability Analysis and Resource Use Efficiency of Smallholder Palm Oil Production in Delta State
Anthony et al Utilizing ICTs in Climate Change Resilience Building Along Agricultural Value Chains
Aroyehun et al Estimation of Climate Change Influence on Poultry Production in Nigeria
 Asumugha et al Cassava Seed Entrepreneur Model A Strategy for Youth Empowerment
Edaba et al Climate Change Implications on Oil Palm Production Trends in Nigeria
Egwunatum and Ureigho et al Agroforestry Adaptation for Climate Resilient Economy in Lowland Rainforest
Emiko et al Socio Economic Effects of Fulani and Farmers’ Conflict on Maize Farmers’ Output.pdf
Enimu et al

 Choice of Climate Change Adaptation Strategies used by Food Crop Farmers in Delta State, Nigeria

Enwa and Oyita

Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Livelihood of Garri Agribusiness Owners

Igbokwuwe et al

Profitability and Value Addition of Maize (Zea Mays L.) Processing in South-Eastern Nigeria

Iwegbu et al

Economies of Producing Grower Pigs Fed Different Energy Based Agro By-Products.pdf

Mathias and Inedu

Commercial Banks’ Credit Allocated to Agricultural Sector and Economic Growth in Nigeria

Ndibe B. C.

The Role of Human Capital Development on Sustainable Agricultural Productivity in Nigeria.

Ndubueze-Ogaraku et al

Profitability and food safety measures adopted among dried fish traders Rivers Sate, Nigeria.

Nwali et al

Determinant of Agropreneurs Accessibility to Credit Sources in Egbeda Local Government Area of Oyo State.

Nzeh and Anionwo

Cocoyam Marketing in Nigerian Economy. Issues and Challenges.pdf

Obetta and Achike Analysis of Price Instability and Determinants of Price Difference of Tomato in Nigeria
Obi et al Effect of Agricultural Promotion Policy on Rice Production Output among Smallholder Farmers
Odafe et al Cost of Climate Change Adaptation Measures among Women Arable Crop Farmers
Omeje et al Marketing Margins and Efficiencies of Smoked Fish in Kainji Lake Basin, Nigeria
Onwumelu et al Additive Effects of Vernonia amygdalina and Ocimum gratissimum on the performance
Onyekuru et al Espousing the Role of Different Kinds of Movies in the Understanding of Climate Change
Oyita et al Climate Variability, Cassava Output and Food Security in Nigeria.
Oyoboh et al Sustainability of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Practices (GHGERPs) Usage.
Sheleru et al Economic Analysis of Tomato Marketing in Ibadan South East Local Government Area of Oyo State.
Ugwuja et al Effects of E-Banking Service Qualities on Customer Satisfaction among Agripreneurs

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